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Review of All Men are Created
Review of All Men Are Created
Post by Bertha Jackson » 16 Dec 2022, 11:02
[Following is an official review of "All Men are Created" by Vernon M. Robinson.]
All Men Are Created: The Painful Odyssey Of A Wrongly Convicted Man by Vernon M. Robinson is an essay about Vernon's experiences with the Black Panthers and being falsely accused of the murder of Thora Marie Rose. When Thora was murdered, Vernon was at a Navy boot camp 348 miles away and had left the Black Panthers. However, J. Edgar Hoover's Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was out to rid the world of the Black Panthers. Twenty-seven years after the murder, Vernon had a successful business, was married, and had three sons when he was arrested for the murder. Without evidence or witnesses, he was convicted of murder and was sentenced to seven years to life, where he spent time in several different prisons. Vernon was denied parole for 29 years because he would not confess to a murder he did not commit. How can this happen to an innocent man? How was the prosecution able to obtain a conviction without evidence or witnesses? What happened to allow Vernon's eventual parole from a life sentence?
Vernon M. Robinson details how racism affected his life, starting when he was five years old, by providing an accurate history of racism. He reveals throughout this book how society would be better off if people realized that there is only one race, the human race. The author raises many questions about the history and current aspects of racism. Racism has been a part of America's history since the time our Founding Fathers wrote that all men are created equal, while at the same time, some of them enslaved people. How does this make sense? The original goal of the Black Panthers was to help feed and protect their families and friends. Would they have been better understood if they were Caucasian? Vernon relates his story chronologically and then reveals later in the book how those memories affected him in his later years. Although it was repetitive, it was necessary for the book's flow. I appreciate that text like the Black Panther's executive mandate was in italics to separate it from the rest of the text. Vernon provides a Reference list at the end of the book to support his facts.
This book brings to focus not only racism against Blacks but also racism between the same races. I am giving this book 4 out of 5 stars because of the number of errors in this otherwise interesting and thought-provoking book. There was no other reason to deduct stars from this fascinating book.
This book is for mature readers who enjoy not only historical fiction about racism, law enforcement, the penal system, and the Black Panthers but also current events surrounding racism, police brutality, and the Black Lives Matter movement. The religious aspects of this book make it suitable for all religions because it revolves around many different religions, including disbelief and lack of faith in God. Sensitive readers may want to avoid this book due to non-borderline profanity.
All Men Are Created
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Bertha R. Jackson
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All Men Are Created
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All Men Are Created
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Vernon experienced brutal injustice from an early age. His dead mother was left on the kitchen floor because only a “Whites” ambulance was available. He grew to become an angry revolutionist yearning for change against the evil status quo. Years later, he would be convicted for a crime he was innocent of. Vernon’s deeply touching narrative captured the deplorable situation of African Americans living in the United States — the untold indignities and oppressions suffered over the centuries and even to date. Slavery may have been officially abolished, but certain segments of the population continue to face racial discrimination. All Men Are Created is a nonfiction story that boldly exposes unfair practices that put Blacks and Hispanics in harm’s way. Characters in the book include Vernon, Linda, Jerome, Bob, Derric and Ruth, etc.
All Men Are Created is indeed thought-provoking, as it elicited intelligent questions that have remained unanswered over the years. The book is equally informative, complete with well-researched historical evidence and irrefutable facts. Nobody should miss this eye-opener!
Bio: My life has been unusual, to say the least. I was born in Harlem at the end of World War II. It was the waning days of the cultural phenomenon known as the Harlem Renaissance. My mother died in New York in 1950, and I was relocated to Los Angeles.
I grew up one block from the famed Central Avenue Jazz Corridor, which existed between 1930–1960. The parameters of my young life were determined by racial restrictions like residential “red-lining,” the Supreme Court decision in Brown vs Topeka Board of Education, and Los Angeles’ busing program to achieve racial integration.
I vehemently rejected the non-violent protest strategies of Dr. Martin Luther King and embraced Malcolm X. In 1966, I became one of the first one-hundred members of the Black Panther Party. I was one of many BPP protestors opposing the repeal of California’s Open-Carry gun law. I was sentenced to prison and was present when George Jackson (Soledad Brothers) was assassinated at San Quentin Prison. In the process, I met Angela Davis more than once.
After my release in 1972, I became a successful businessman and was appointed Contractual Project Manager at Los Angeles International Airport during the 1984 Olympics. I remained at LAX till 1989, when I was arrested for a murder committed in 1963 in Hollywood. I was sentenced in 1990, and served nearly 30 years for a crime I did not commit.
Since my release in 2018, I have written the book titled, All Men Are Created. I hope to give a voice to the voiceless, millions of men and women who die each day in the United States prison-industrial complex of the 21st century. I want the readers to feel the pain and psychological torture inflicted on human beings living in “The Land of the Walking Dead,” a place in which everything is stripped away, except the natural impulse to breathe.